In this article we will discuss about the principle, requirements and procedure for capillary blotting. Principle: Samples of proteins isolated on gel are transported out of gel by capillary action of buffer. The solubility of proteins increases by the presence of SDS and helps its migration to nitrocellulose membrane which binds it strongly on its […]
Capillary Blotting: Principle and Procedure | Molecular Biology
Technique of Southern Blotting | DNA | Molecular Biology
In this article we will discuss about the technique of southern blotting for transfer of DNA from gels to nitrocellulose. This technique was first described by E.M. Southern in 1975. It is useful for analysis of Restriction Fragment Length Polymorphisms (RFLPs). Using gel electrophoresis in combination with restriction endonuclease analysis, a detailed and accurate physical […]
Steps in Gene Cloning (With Experiment) | Molecular Biology
In gene cloning, the major steps are cutting and joining lengths of DNA using restriction endonuclease and ligase. Several steps are involved in gene cloning. 1. Preparation of cloning vector: Before cloning the fragment of interest, the plasmid (cloning vector) is to be restriction digested. Plasmids are small extra chromosomal, self-replicating, circular double stranded DNA […]