Here is a list of microbial polysaccharides:- 1. Xanthan 2. Pullulan 3. Dextran 4. Cyclodextrins 5. Gellan 6. Welan 7. Curdlan 8. Polyhydroxybutyrate. 1. Xanthan: Xanthan (or, as commonly called, ‘xanthan gum’) at $14/kg falls into a similar price range to other gums and exudates, has similar functional properties. It is made by the organism Xanthomonas campestris (which in […]
List of Microbial Polysaccharides | Carbohydrates | Industrial Biotechnology
Steps Involved in SCP (Single Cell Protein) Production from Bacteria and Yeast| Industrial Biotechnology
For producing quality SCP one has to take care in every step. The first and foremost important is the selection of microorganisms. The selected microorganism should be fast growing, wide substrate utilizing capacity, should be non-pathogenic and do not produce any type of toxin, should produce protein not only of high quality but also good […]
Biotransformation: Introduction, Importance, Types, Methods, Applications, Examples
In this article we will discuss about:- 1. Introduction to Biotransformation 2. Microorganisms Employed in Biotransformation 3. Isolated Enzymes 4. Types 5. Methods 6. Range 7. Applications. [with importance and examples] Contents: Introduction to Biotransformation Microorganisms Employed in Biotransformation Isolated Enzymes for Biotransformation Types of Biotransformation Reactions Methods of Biotransformation Range of Biotransformation Applications of […]