Read this article to learn about Agricultural Biotechnology in Developing Countries: Application to Plant Health, Genetic Improvement and Bio-diversity Based Biotechnology Application to Plant Health: Monoclonal antibodies, recombinant antigens, and molecular plant disease tests have greatly improved diagnostic systems and pathogen characterisation. The most widely used technique for generating pathogen/virus free plants in the region […]
Agricultural Biotechnology in Developing Countries
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Science Fair Project on Biotechnology
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Do you want to create an amazing science fair project on biotechnology ? You are in the right place. Read the below given article to get a complete idea on biotechnology: 1. Origin of Biotechnology 2. Meaning of Biotechnology 3. Definition 4. Modern Facts 5. Principles 6. Applications 7. Roles 8. Improving Areas 9. Impacts […]
Crop Production in Biotechnology
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In this article we will discuss about the crop production in biotechnology. Biotechnology is a word used to describe the process of using living organisms or any part of these organisms to create new or improved products. The term is most often associated with methods and techniques developed during the past 20 years that make […]