Many virulent animal diseases, especially in livestock, are very contagious and can be economically devastating, especially in developing tropical countries. Livestock are susceptible to many types of dysentery and diseases such as African horse sickness, bovine leukosis, bovine infectious rhinotracheitis, brucellosis, and Rift Valley fever, to name just a few. Developing countries often have no […]
Essay on Animal Health Care and Biotechnology
Application of Modern Biotechnology to Food Production
Read this article to learn about the application of modern biotechnology to food production! Modern biotechnology is the application of (i) in vitro nucleic acid techniques, including recombinant deoxyribonucleic acid (DNA) and direct injection of nucleic acid into cells or organelles, or (ii) fusion of cells beyond the taxonomic family, that overcome natural physiological reproductive […]
Essay on Modern Biotechnology and Crop Breeding
In this article we will discuss about the use of modern methods of crop breeding. Conventional breeding, especially of crops, livestock and fish, focuses principally on increased productivity, increased resistance to diseases and pests, and enhanced quality with respect to nutrition and food processing. Advances in cellular genetics and cell biology methods in the 1960s […]