In this article we will discuss about the estimation and micro estimation of citric acid. Estimation of Citric Acid: Titrable Acidity Method: Requirements: 1. Fermented broth. 2. 0.1 (N) NaOH. 3. 1.0(N) Succinic acid. 4. Phenolphthalin. 5. Titration set. Procedure: 1. Standardise NaOH using 1(N) succinic acid. 2. Take in two separate 100 ml conical […]
Estimation and Micro Estimation of Citric Acid | Biotechnology
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Isolation of Azotobacter Species from Soil | Biotechnology
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In this article we will discuss about the requirements and procedure for isolation of azotobacter species from soil. Azotobacter is a free-living N2 fixer found in soil. They have relatively large size when observed under phase contrast microscope. They are peritrichous or has polar flagella and form thick-walled microcysts in some species. They are obligate […]
Isolation and Identification of Fungi | Biotechnology
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In this article we will discuss about the isolation and identification of fungi. Isolation of Fungi: 1. Dilution Plate Method. 2. Soil Plate Method. This method is used to study the ecological distribution of various soil fungi. Principle: In this method no fungal spore will be lost as in that of soil dilution and gives […]