In this article we will discuss about the isolation and identification of actinomycetes. Isolation of Actinomycetes: This group of prokaryotes are ubiquitious and are found in all ecosystems. Some genera like Actinomyces are anaerobic and others like Frankia (symbiotic) require specialised growth media and incubation condition. To isolate them from soil, special treatments are essential. […]
Actinomycetes: Isolation and Identification | Microbial Biotechnology
Biochemical Tests for Bacteria: 8 Tests | Microbial Biotechnology
The following points highlight the top eight biochemical tests for bacteria. The tests are: 1. Carbohydrate Fermentation 2. Triple Sugar Iron Agar Test 3. IMVIC Test 4. Hydrogen Sulphide Test 5. Urease Test 6. Catalase Test 7. Oxidase Test 8. Nitrate Reduction Test. Biochemical Test # 1. Carbohydrate Fermentation: Different microorganisms utilise carbohydrates in various […]
Measuring the Growth of Bacteria | Microbial Biotechnology
In this article we will discuss about the principle, requirements and procedure for measuring the growth of bacteria by spectrophotometric method. Principle: This method relates cell number to turbidity of a broth culture. Turbidity or optical density (OD) is directly proportional to cell concentration. Requirements: 1. 10-12 hour E. coli broth culture maintained at lag […]