The following points highlight the seven main characteristics of a good host cell.
1. Can allow the easy entry of the recombinant DNA easily into the cell. This process is poorly understood. Some mutations appear to enhance the efficiency of DNA uptake itself. These include the deoR mutation in E. coli, which seems to assist particularly in the uptake of larger DNA molecules.
2. Should not destroy the recombinant DNA as a foreign DNA and degrade it. The main feature determining transformation efficiency is the presence or absence of endogenous DNA-degrading systems. Many hosts used for cloning are derived from E. coli strain K, which contains the K restriction modification system encoded by the hsdRMS locus.
The hsdR gene encodes an endonuclease that cleaves DNA containing the sequence -AACNNNNNNGTGC−, unless the second of the two adenine residues and the adenine residue on the other strand opposite to the thymine are methylated.
Many hosts, therefore, have an hsdR mutation (or a larger deletion) to avoid cleavage of incoming unprotected DNA. The hsdM gene encodes the methylase that protects against degradation so passaging of DNA through an hsdR− M+ strain can be used to allow methylation if it is subsequently necessary to propagate in an hsdR+ strain.
3. Can stably maintain the recombinant DNA. Once a recombinant DNA has entered the cell, it is still not guaranteed to replicate indefinitely and stably even if it has a suitable origin of replication. Rearrangement of the recombinant may occur, and the most frequent manifestation of this is partial deletion (i.e., loss of part of the molecule).
This usually occurs by recombination across directly repeated sequences. Due to this the chosen host cell must lack the genes producing enzymes for a endogenous recombination process. For example, we take E. Coli mutants for rec A and rec F genes.
4. The transformed host must not independently sustain outside the laboratory. As with vectors, it is necessary to take precautions to ensure that strains carrying recombinant plasmids are unlikely to escape and propagate outside the laboratory.
For this reason, the preferred strains usually carry mutations that reduce their viability in the wild. These are often mutations conferring auxotrophy (i.e. the requirement for a particular metabolite to be supplied in the medium, resulting from an inability to synthesize the metabolite).
5. Should be easy to maintain and handle.
6. Should be available as a wide variety of genetically defined strains.
7. Should accept a range of vectors.